Totipotens cellula   

“TOTIPOTENS CELLULA” is the first release of the Guarino-Crêpaz duo. It gathers together pieces of Duke Ellington, Led Zeppelin, Raffaella Carrà, Buena Vista Social Club, Carosone…
In which style?
Following the spirit of “funny jazz”, expression coined by the duo to define something indefinable, the need to express freely beyond the limit of the style and into one’s own soul.

Il risentito
Sophisticated lady
Jesus Christ Superstar



Crêpe Crêpaz

Beginning with a classical background, unquiet and bellicose spirit,
the singer has crossed through different ensembles and musical genres,
from new wave to progressive and ethnic research, from fusion to jazz.
And it’s here that she finally finds something, rather, someone, an
apulian guitarist who’ll definitely foment her artistic frenzy, forming
with him a duo still



Luciano Guarino

Guitarist acoustic, electric, eclectic in his aspirations,
after being dedicated to blues, finger-picking, bossa nova,
jazz, music for theatre, he found his definitive instability
in a duo that’s still


Beatles truffle   

The idea originates from a shared passion for The Beatles’ music with the desire to interpret it again…
At nightfall, for a joke, some pieces of theirs “are played badly”. Gradually the game changes into the rediscovery of a new repertoire full of stimuli.
One by one the chosen songs are taken apart and rebuilt in harmony, rhythm and structure; on to this new base is also grafted the melody.
“Girl” changes into a tango, “The Word” into a free-funky, “Piggies” into a fast swing, “Yer Blues” was transplanted into a piece of Mingus.
All this by voice and guitar, and little help from other untraditional instruments (blister packs, balloons…).
Of the 32 arranged songs, in this CD we present 17 but… Be careful!
If you are looking for The Beatles in these pieces you may not find them!




Lucy in the sky diamonds
Back in the USSR
Cry baby cry
The word



Crêpe Crêpaz and Luciano Guarino met playing jazz in 1995, but quickly found out that they had a common passion for The Beatles music. From then on they started a collaboration that led them to set up a stable duo voice/guitar. They performed both in Italy and abroad proposing a repertoire that ranges from jazz to world music to Neapolitan song, blending it all into an original and provocative style of arrangement they called “funny jazz”.

With the Beatles Truffle project the Guarino – Crêpaz duo has been asked to take part in the International Festival “Jazz Plaza 2000”, in La Habana, Cuba.


"PER UNA VOLTA… La musimatica delle tabelline"           

We all knew, as schoolchildren and maybe as parents, the hard work and the boredom that multiplication tables learning can involve.
The ease with which it’s possible for children to learn a song text was the starting point to set to music multiplication tables in order to help their memorization.
Thus, eleven songs were composed, one for each number.
The primary idea based itself on the use
of music to learn
mathematics, but music is mathematics too and this music is heavily influenced by it. For every multiplication table number we tried to have a different musical rhythm, and with every rhythm a
different genere.
The style of the songs differs in its ethnicity and historical period, allowing children a glimpse into other cultures and times.
The music goes from tarantella to a tango, from blue-grass to a 9/8 rap, ending in a new-age atmosphere.
The lyrics are nonsense rhymes, short stories, puns.
In the recording the choice of acoustic instruments depends on the musical genre (e.g. tarantella: tammorre, accordion, guitar; blue-grass: banjo, violin, double bass, guitar) entrusting qualified musicians with different styles.

The CD is equipped with a colour illustrated book with the lyrics and the score of songs.

The publication is part of the project “PER UNA VOLTA… La musimatica delle tabelline”, that also includes some workshops and shows for primary school children.


Tutti per una, una per tutti!
Per una volta
Si, sono nervoso!
La festa della marmotta carlotta